Some pictures from the work I did during monday

I am now going to switch over to english so that the Gentoo Hardened folks can understand what I am writing :)

I haven't had the time to work any more on the cluster since monday but I have the pictures from monday when I did the secondary EPS12v contact.
I first tried to solder the cables to the pin to make 6-pins into 8-pins but that wasn't such a good idea.
The added thickness that the soldering added to the pin so that the pin didn't even go all the way in so it would not work.

So I took a new pair of cables and stripped them rather far, about 2cm instead of 0.5cm and just used heatshrink to wrap them together with the existing cables. Seeing as I do not have access to an hairdryer or other hot-air blowing source I had to improvise, I set the soldering iron to 350 C and put the heatshrink a few millimeters above the hottest part of the soldering iron and it worked surprisingly well :)

First attempt with soldering the cables together, not that successfull :(

Heatshrink to the rescue! It worked surprisingly well with the heatshrink and the results are heck alot cleaner looking than the soldering ones.

Hopefully I'll be able to test the server today seeing as I haven't had the time to do that right, let's hope that I do not get to smell the awful smell of burnt electronics from my makeshift EPS12v connector frying the PSU :P


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